
If you are experiencing a problem with the website, please check the FAQ below for an answer to your question. If you would like to contact us regarding a specific issue not covered by the FAQ, please Contact Us.

Frequently Asked Questions

What happens after I make an enquiry?

When you submit an enquiry it is sent directly via email to the vendor advertising the property. The vendor will contact you as soon as possible by email or telephone. You will also receive an email from us containing a link to the property you enquired about for your reference.

How long does it take for a vendor to respond to my enquiry?

You should receive a reply to your enquiry within 3 working days, although during busy times this may be a little longer.

Why do some pages not display correctly?

We support the latest versions of Firefox, Chrome, and Safari as well as Internet Explorer 9.0+. However, we do not support earlier versions of Internet Explorer.